Please read on before registering to help make the process as easy as possible.
If after reading the information below, you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to email
registrar@grayspointsoccer.com.au with any questions relating to registering with our club.
Like our Facebook page to keep informed of important dates & news.
Sign in
here or via Playfootball.com.au using the same method you used last year, which will be either your email address, Facebook login or Google login.
If you have forgotten your password reset it here.
Choose the age group of the age that the player will be turning in 2025. Should you wish to play up a year - email registrar@grayspointsoccer.com.au to express your interest.
New Junior Players - register for the age group that the player will be turning in 2025. If you have never played in the Sutherland Shire before type “NP” when prompted.
Returning Senior Players - Register to your applicable age group you would like to be in for 2025. When prompted add your 2024 team name/coach to the mandatory question as this helps volunteers sort you into teams.
New Senior Players - Register to your applicable age group you would like to be in for 2025. When prompted add your previous club and team name. If you have never played in the Sutherland Shire before type “NP”.
Any player new to an SSFA club will need to show proof of date of birth and proof of residency in the Sutherland Shire.
The following list of documents are the only acceptable form of proof accepted:
Proof of Age:
Proof of residency within the Sutherland Shire:
These documents can be either emailed to our registrar or supplied in person at one of our club’s grading day - visit Facebook for dates, times & latest information.
Note: Please note that players who do not provide proof of age and residency will not be insured and therefore would be liable for other recoverable costs if injured at training and/or during a game. Those in U10 and over age groups will not receive their player identification cards which will prevent you from participating in official games from round one.
If your name has changed or you’ve noticed an error in your date of birth you MUST contact your Club Registrar registrar@grayspointsoccer.com.au NOT Playfootball support.
Male & Female players progressing to U10/W10 and ALL NEW players who are playing in U10/W10 and above age groups, must upload a current passport style photo to their profile. Please do this at the time of registration to be eligible for approval.
No hats or glasses to be worn.
Coaches, Referees & Volunteers Re-registering – type club name, Grays Point Soccer Club, click on pop up box for your club and then claim your existing account by logging in with the same details you used last year.
All registrations must be paid online. If you are unable to pay online, please email Secretary on secretary@grayspointsoccer.com.au
Active Kids vouchers can be used towards registration for any school aged children, but you must have a valid voucher code before proceeding with payment.
Note: Early bird discount ends and standard fees come into effect at midnight on 31st January 2024. Register early to avoid extra fees.
If you are having problems on the Playfootball V2.0 site please go to Playfootball Support or email support@Playfootball.com.au
Uniforms must be purchased online from the GPSC Gear Room Store. The store is open prior to the season commencing, dates for collection from the Gear Room will be posted on our Facebook page. Please ensure you follow us on Facebook. Alternatively, please contact email gear@grayspointsoccer.com.au
FEES: Registration Fees and Information visit: www.grayspointsoccer.com.au
PHOTOS: The cost of a photo package has been included in fees for all Juniors U6 to 16s
GRADING DATE: Sunday 9th February 2025. However, please check the website and Facebook for the latest dates and times for your age group
SEASON STARTS: Round 1 is on 29/30 March 2025
EARLY BIRD FEES: Register and pay before 31st January 2024 (Standard Fees apply after this date).
MEMBER BENEFITS: Family Discounts – 3rd Child (U18) Free (Via reimbursement, please contact our Secretary)
CLUB-BASED COACHING CLINICS: Professional Coaching / Coaching Clinics / Goalkeeper and Striker Training Sessions
SUBSIDISED EVENTS: 1 Gala Day per season – FREE Junior Presentation – Subsidised Club Night
If you have any registration related queries contact Club Registrars:
Junior Registrar -
Senior Registrar - registrar@grayspointsoccer.com.au
*Prices based on early bird fees and may change subject to final pricing by FNSW and SSFA