A reminder to all members that there is a Member Protection Policy (Football Federation Australia National Member Protection Policy 2015)
We recommend all members (players, volunteers, spectators) read and have a good understanding of the policy.
A link to the full policy is under :
http://shirefootball.com.au/documents/ Member Protection Policy
In Particular
5.10 Social Media Policy
The Governing Bodies acknowledge the emergence of new technology and communication mediums (Social Media), and wish to enable such Social Media to be used to benefit football and its participants, and to applaud achievements. However, participants within football need to be mindful of the possibility of Social Media being used inappropriately. Inappropriate use may occur unintentionally or when participants do not realise that their comments, once published are in a public forum, and are difficult to retract.
Social Media platforms include:
(a) social networking sites, including Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn;
(b) video and photo sharing websites, including Flickr and YouTube;
(c) micro-blogging sites, such as Twitter;
(d) weblogs, including personal blogs or blogs hosted by traditional media publications;
(e) forums and discussion boards, including those operated by Fox Sports, Four Four Two or
The World Game;
(f) online encyclopaedias, such as Wikipedia; and
(g) any other web site that allow individual users or companies to use simple publishing tools.
Cautions the Governing Bodies recommend include:
(a) do not include personal information of yourself or others in Social Media channels;
(b) do not use offensive, aggressive, defamatory, threatening, discriminatory, obscene,
profane, harassing, intimidating, sexually explicit, bullying, sexist, racist, provocative,
hateful or otherwise provocative language in Social Media channels;
(c) use your best judgment – do not publish something that makes you the slightest bit
uncomfortable, and never write/ publish if you are feeling emotional or upset (or are
(d) always ask for a person’s permission before posting their picture on Social Media platform;
Football Federation Australia – National Member Protection Policy
(e) never comment on rumours, do not deny or affirm them or speculate about rumours in
Social Media channels;
(f) do not include information which is in breach of laws, court orders, undertakings or
contracts; and
(g) always use Social Media/ network forums to add value and promote football in a positive
In addition to this Policy, FFA may from time to time issue Social Media policies and/ or guidelines
that apply to specific individuals.